Hon’ble Governor inaugurated an art exhibition dedicated to the unsung national freedom fighters of Tamil Nadu at SNDJA – Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai – 11.08.2024
Thiru. R.N.Ravi, Hon'ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, inaugurated an art exhibition dedicated to the unsung national freedom fighters of Tamil Nadu at SNDJA - Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai - 11.08.2024.
Thiru. R.N.Ravi, Hon'ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, inaugurated an art exhibition dedicated to the unsung national freedom fighters of Tamil Nadu at SNDJA - Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai - 11.08.2024.
Thiru. R.N.Ravi, Hon'ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, inaugurated an art exhibition dedicated to the unsung national freedom fighters of Tamil Nadu at SNDJA - Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai - 11.08.2024.
Thiru. R.N.Ravi, Hon'ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, inaugurated an art exhibition dedicated to the unsung national freedom fighters of Tamil Nadu at SNDJA - Vivekananda Vidyalaya Junior College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai - 11.08.2024.