Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, along with the students and Exam Warriors joined the live streaming of the 7th edition of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Pariksha Pe Charcha-2024
Thiru.R.N. Ravi, Hon'ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, along with the students and Exam Warriors joined the live streaming of the 7th edition of Hon'ble Prime Minister's Pariksha Pe Charcha-2024.He distributed copies of "Exam Warriors" to the Students and encouraged them to fearlessly take the exams with positivity, confidence, and clarity at CSIR- Central Electro Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi - 29.01.2024
Thiru.R.N. Ravi, Hon'ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, along with the students and Exam Warriors joined the live streaming of the 7th edition of Hon'ble Prime Minister's Pariksha Pe Charcha-2024.He distributed copies of "Exam Warriors" to the Students and encouraged them to fearlessly take the exams with positivity, confidence, and clarity at CSIR- Central Electro Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi - 29.01.2024