Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu participated in the Tsunami Remembrance Day March along with the Fishermen Community People, paid floral tributes to the Tsunami victims and lit the candle – 26.12.2024
Thiru.R.N.Ravi, Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu participated in the Tsunami Remembrance Day March along with the Fishermen Community People, paid floral tributes to the Tsunami victims and lit the candle marking the 20th anniversary of Tragic Tsunami at Marina Beach, Chennai - 26.12.2024.
26.12.2024 - A
Thiru.R.N.Ravi, Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu participated in the Tsunami Remembrance Day March along with the Fishermen Community People, paid floral tributes to the Tsunami victims and lit the candle marking the 20th anniversary of Tragic Tsunami at Marina Beach, Chennai - 26.12.2024.
26.12.2024 - B
Thiru.R.N.Ravi, Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu participated in the Tsunami Remembrance Day March along with the Fishermen Community People, paid floral tributes to the Tsunami victims and lit the candle marking the 20th anniversary of Tragic Tsunami. Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu also paid tributes to the Tsunami victims by pouring Milk and showering flowers to the Sea Mother at Marina Beach, Chennai - 26.12.2024.
26.12.2024 - C